Clare Louise June 11, 2020

Climbing on horseback and taking a walk in the mountains or on the seashore is an activity that combines fun, self-improvement and, of course, helps to keep fit. But horse riding is much more than a sport.

In this article, we will give you all the details of the physical and psychological benefits that this discipline brings.

Physical Benefits

Compared to other disciplines, the perfect differentiating element of this sport is the interaction with the animal, which makes it a more amazing activity. Besides, horse riding Birmingham has great advantages over the body for those who practice it:

  1. It improves the vertical and horizontal balance.
  2. The trunk remains upright, which favors posture control and helps to correct it.
  3. Decreases spasticity (contracted muscles).
  4. By having to be alert to possible rhythm changes on the part of the horse, fine and gross motor coordination, reflexes and motor planning are favored.
  5. It improves the perception of the body schema and favors the acquisition of laterality.

Psychological Benefits

But the positive points of horsemanship go beyond the merely physical:

  1. Being in contact with the horse promotes confidence, self-control of emotions and also improves self-esteem.
  2. It improves concentration, attention span and, therefore, has a positive impact on memory.
  3. That the animal is under our control helps improve attention span and instills feelings such as respect and responsibility.
  4. Provide new knowledge.
  5. It favors the location in space and time.

Horse Riding As A Therapy

All these benefits make horse riding not only a sport but also an interesting method of rehabilitation. This is the case of the Equitation as Therapy Association in which they work non-profit with disabled people.

The horse is an equalizing element which favors a liberation from the limitations of the patients. This, together with all the qualities that we have mentioned above, makes it an ideal complete sport for everyone.